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What are cleatskins? Basically, they soles that you pull over your sport cleats. They allow you to wear your cleats to the game and help prevent kids from breaking their neck while attempting to walk/run on concrete. Kids!
Cleatskins was in need of a new website to prepare for a new mass media launch. Their old website was a...
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K2 is definitely one of my favorite Joomla! components. It does everything so well that I rarely need to make edits to anything other than template files. The one exception is creating square thumbnails. Most of my customers incapable of creating square thumbnails, so we need the system to be as user friendly as possible.
This is a...
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Most of the sites we design have plenty of fancy elements, but we always end up with a simple or unstyled page navigation list. The PSD always looks unique, but the web version falls short of the designers’ expectations. This is because there are no CSS selectors on the arrows, start, prev, next, end or numbers.
I probably looked...
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In a previous post, I showed you how to set the menu alias as the body CSS class in Joomla!. This works best for me because it is easy to remember (just look at the url), and does not require any extra steps, but there is a better way to do this. For example, you write 50 lines of CSS code to modify the style of a page based on its...
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